在今次的<無眠城市- Sleepless in Hong Kong>展覽, 地點位於西環西邊街, 周邊是新建的樓宇及舊式堂樓混合, 有外國人及本地街坊聚集。我把這次的展覽放置這社區當中, 而展覽會24小時亮燈, 如櫥窗藝術般。有一晚深夜, 我和友人在展覽的對面街觀察及作紀錄, 我們發現深宵下班的路人會被展覽的光線吸引, 駐足而看。那個時候, 我就想這就是<無眠城市- Sleepless in Hong Kong>展覽和社會之間的一個互動及反映了。
--- 香港藝術家何淑美的第二次個展, 將會在展場展出她四件繪畫作品 及一個裝置藝術作品。是次展覽想透過凌晨兩時-的士停車場 (Taxi Series - 2:00am) 系列﹑追 (Days : We chat we laugh we melt in 2007)及黑潮- 城市再創造系列 (Within BLACK – cityscape) 作為一個介點,透過油彩及素描創作, 及部分的裝置的藝術, 繼續延伸深入『無眠城市』的世界。透過半點諷刺, 半點調皮, 及獨特的顏色及空間, 為在夜間行走的無眠者逃離環境的限制, 前往睡夢中的軌跡, 至少可以閉上眼簾, 擁有自由。 『藝術有一個神奇的本領: 可怕的東西用藝術表現出來就變成美; 痛苦伴隨音律節奏就使人心神充滿了靜謐的喜悅。』 Charles Baudelaire 沙爾‧波德萊爾 無眠城市 (Sleepless in Hong Kong) 是次展覽的概念是由透過藝術家不同的無眠晚上,這些故事側面訴說這城市 (香港) 的政治﹑生活及想像。 |
<Sleepless in Hong Kong Exhibition> takes place in a little gallery in Western Street, Sai Wan, an area with traditional residential buildings mixed with modern architecture, gathering people of different walks of life. Being lighted up throughout day and night, the gallery with its glass door looks like a shop window art piece. Attracted by the light, passers-by stop and take a look at the paintings even after midnight. The show meets with the real sleepless.
Featuring four pieces of new and latest paintings, “SLEEPLESS IN HONG KONG” is the second ever major solo exhibition by Hong Kong artist Corn Ho Shuk Mei . The exhibition aims to look into the sleepless world in Hong Kong through oil paintings and sketches: Taxi Series - 2:am, Within BLACK - cityscape and various installation work. Using a sarcastic, frolic tone and a distinct type of coloring and space, the paintings free the sleeplesses from their physical barricades, leading them to their dreams where they could at least have a taste of freedom with their eyes closed. “Art has a mystical ability: horrible things expressed by art are beautiful; agony expressed by music fills people with a silent joy.” - Charles Baudelaire SLEEPLESS IN HONG KONG is inspired by various sleepless nights of the artist, Corn HO Shuk Mei, who would like to whisper the city's stories of dreams, life and politics. |
Copyright © Corn Shuk Mei Ho. All Rights Reserved.