38:57:17:28:08:2008 / 20:59:17:28:08:2008, 2009
Private collection.
As told by the Roman historian Pliny the Elder, and frequently depicted in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European art, a young couple who were much in love had to part, in response, the woman decided to trace the outline of her lover's shadow.
Art helps us accomplish a task that is of central importance in our lives : to hold on to things we love when they are gone. |
古希臘時代, 一位泥塑工藝老師的女兒把要別走他鄉的愛人在牆上的投影勾畫下來; 法國學者德里達 ( Jacques Derrida) 說這是繪畫的開始 - 將要離去 ( 快要過去了), 所以勾畫, 留下來的, 如此可以記住。 記念, 由是寫畫。 你不 ( 懂得 ) 寫, 你畫。 你畫你想要寫的。
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