Find Her Series - Memories Keeper, 2011
My previous artworks are about exploring and understanding the limitations and oppressions of human, when it comes to certain circumstances, while we have no controls over our selves. The rules of the world define the limitations of freedom and rights. Yet, we choose to alter our own mind in order to cope with the regulations. About my works, I emphasized on the studies of myself.
Now, my figure of my paintings is out of the town. She travels abroad, feels the freedom and thinks a lot also. She starts to understand that our spirit is not only in the body and it does not stop at our appearance. It lives in the memory of people and things too, so does she. That is the true meaning of this mini game of finding her through her objects. |
我之前大部分作品都是探討自身思想存在於肉體的懷疑, 自我精神如何和身軀割離, 以及自我的自由如何被已定制度甚至自我軀體所束縛等, 都是關於壓抑,被困, 更重要的是關於自我。
而這次的展覽是<你睇我唔到>, 這是我期盼的題目, 讓我的新作品可在一連串的疑問後, 讓你看不到我。我的具象可以退隱在背後透一透氣, 外出到處旅遊一會, 最好是外國, 也會她會沾染了異國的色彩, 是自由的斑斕, 至少她的面容不再凝重, 她仍可穿梭制度限制及理想烏托邦, 告訴不能承受的生命之輕是轉化的想法。是一個想法。 這件作品是由她身邊的物件開始注視, 是一個尋找她的小遊戲。由於每一個人的精神﹑感覺是超越身軀。她的思想影響在她周遭的環境, 物件記憶了有她特有的品味﹑追求及世界觀, 如同我們。有一天, 她曾經喃喃自語對物件說的話, 忘記了, 但呼出的暖氣及用力擁抱擠壓觸摸的壓力, 她的物件仍有記憶。 她知道真正的自己所及的範圍是大於她的皮膚所包圍的範圍, 他們看不見她, 但能夠感受她。我們的精神並不局限於我們的肉體, 我們的氣質也不停止在我們的指尖的美及髮尾的香氣,在他物他人記憶中存在,她如是。 |
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