Growth Ring - A solo by Corn Ho Shuk Mei《事輪》-何淑美個人展覽
2014年4月14日至2014年5月10日 (14 April - 10 May 2014) 開放時間 Open Hours: 3:30pm -10:30pm Opening Reception: 17 April (THU) at 6:30 – 9:30 PM開幕酒會: 4月17日(星期四)下午6時半至9時半 地點: 香港中環蘇豪伊利近街15號地下 Culture Club 畫廊 Culture Club Gallery: G/F, 15 Elgin Street, SOHO, Central, Hong Kong |
Featuring new series of project and latest paintings, “Growth Rings” is the third ever major solo exhibition by Hong Kong artist Corn Ho Shuk Mei .
The exhibition particularly focuses on Corn Ho Shuk Mei’s Landscape-memory Series, which was started in 2013. The series includes two things that fascinate her most: people’s innermost world and the disappeared sights. She interviewed people about their personal experiences. Her paintings gradually displayed their innermost world as the interviews went deeper and deeper. This resembles the nature of oil painting, layer by layer and long lasting. As an onlooker, she recorded people’s feelings and temperaments at the moment, putting the beautiful but unreachable sights in their memories forever on the canvas. The different stories shine like crystals. |
香港藝術家何淑美的第三次個展, 將會在展覽展出她最近的油畫作品。
是次展覽專注於她在2013年開始了這一個Landscape -memory series|門後系列。這系列包含了她感興趣的兩點: 人的精神世界及消失的景色。 她透過訪問身邊的人的個人經歷, 慢慢在畫面中呈現受訪者的內心世界。而這也仿如油畫的特質, 一層又一層的, 久久歷新。 她記錄了他們當時記憶的感覺及氣氛, 嘗試由第三者角度進入他們第一身角度, 把一些美好但已不能回去的地方永恆留在另一空間上—畫布。 一個又一個不同的故事如晶瑩般閃耀著他們的世界。 |
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