I planted my green garden, 2010
‘I Planted My Green Garden’ is represented by the ‘grassland’ I created by putting lines of forks on the main passage in New Asia College of the Chinese University and two railing stands with the ‘Don’t Step on the Grass’ signs at both ends of the passage. This is to respond to the fact that the passage is mostly used for photographing or official activities instead of students crowding around discussing on academic subjects.
Interesting phenomena occurred. Some people avoided the passage and unintentionally walked on the real grasslands on both sides of the passage. Some ignored the ‘Don’t Step on the Grass’ signs and stepped on the passage directly, finding fun to walk to and fro between the fork lines. I appreciate the latter for their courage and their sense of humour. |
是次作品是利用我製造了一片綠色叉子的『草地』及左右放了『請勿踐踏草地』標語的欄杆於新亞書院的主要通道。而當時, 創作的目的是想回應新亞書院的草地多是以表面形式使用,用於畢業拍攝及公式書院活動等時才使用, 大學生圍著草地研究學術的美好意景實質是不存在, 故開始創作種草地。
而最後, 作品呈現了一個有趣的心理測驗及現象。路過者就著不能踐踏草地的字句,避開了綠色叉子組成的草地,但期間他們反而沒有意識地直接使用了在旁的真實草地。 而且到了最後,我發現有不少人是會不理欄杆,直接踏入『草地』中。叉與叉之間的空隙變成他們的來回行走的樂趣, 這是我最樂於見到的現象:他們敢於挑戰權威-不理會『請勿踐踏草地』標語的欄杆, 而且為此而作樂。 |
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