Lan Kwo Shui 難過水, 2013
(Sold, private collection)
這是他和她首次的旅行, 在香港以東的離島, 東坪州。在這攀山涉水的旅程中, 他感到最單純的快樂。
難過水是他們意料之外的事。那天那天正正就月亮正圓, 是一年之中的大潮退的日子, 他們看到了難過水, 這地是在水底中浮出來陸地。他們遊走這一片水中陸地, 也在他心中湧進了水土。 他把一切收藏在最深處。 This was their very first trip, on Tung Ping Chau, an island in the north of Hong Kong. They did not realize that it was a full moon day and they had to pass the Lan Kwo Shui, the dangerouly steep cliff at the shore, which only emerges out of the sea at low tide. They managed to pass it with great difficulties. After that, they got over a lot of difficulties and bitterness, just like passing Lan Kwo Shui, and finally acquired the feeling of serenity. |
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