In Corn Shuk Mei Ho ’s recent exhibition Wandering Islands, she explores the relationship between a person’s psychological state and the dislocation of landscape in paintings. She showcases her latest work in oil painting and mixed media.
The new body of works from the Wandering Islands exhibition are made of oil painting on transparent acrylic boards, and are combined with a series of installations in the exhibition space. Each work is a singularly wandering islands in the waves of the sea. Memorable objects are originally developed from Shuk Mei’s work, Find Her – Memories Keeper (2011). In these wandering islands, you might experience or touch the memorable objects on the list below: -Architectural sketch with incorrect position of space -Staring eyes with beach-blue colour -Photograph of a cat praying to a full moon -Butterfly covered with leafy green colour inside a plant -Someone’s garden as a graveyard scattered with all kinds of dolls -Shrine with perpetually unfinished construction -Beggars covered with a blanket in wintry ice-cold Paris -Endless walking tunnel below the Thames River -Sound from the video of a sunset scene at Rhine river -The boy who lives in the island These memories are a mix of truth and imagination about this and parallel worlds. |
《Wandering Islands 徘徊島嶼 》,何淑美將會展出一系列最新的作品,延續她一直以來的研究題材:捕捉記憶和場景錯配的關係。
《Wandering Islands 徘徊島嶼》 展覽中的作品是以油彩於亞加力膠板為主調,配以特意選擇的記憶物件和裝置,展示一個又一個的徘徊在記憶海洋的島嶼。關於記憶物件的概念來看她於2011年創作的Find Her Series- Memories Keeper, 尋找她:記憶儲存體的作品深化 。 在眾島嶼上看到和觸碰到的記憶物件可以是一張的錯位建築系練習圖,一雙凝視的淺水藍色眼晴,一張仰視月亮祈禱的貓的照片,隱藏在綠林中的綠色蝴蝶,走過無數玩偶墓地的前庭,坐上一座最後沒有興建成功的神殿,還有只披著布走過冬天巴黎的流浪漢,看不盡頭的河底隧道,錄像上萊茵河日落的聲音和看到住在島嶼上的男孩。 這可能是真,也可能是想像,也可以來自的外在事物。 |
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