《Ping Pong 2 - comiX eXange Exhibition Plus Public Workshop》Exhibition Period: 3 July - 2 August 2015
Cocktail Reception: 4 July 2015 (Sat), 13:00-14:00, 3/F, Comix Home Base, Wai Chai, Hong Kong VENUE : Exhibition Venue & Multi-Function Rooms 3-7, 3/F, Comix Home Base, Wai Chai, Hong Kong PRESENTED & ORGANIZED :Hong Kong Arts Centre, Comix Home Base |
Taking Comix Home Base as a testing ground, local comics artists and artists specialised in other media are now working hand in hand to present comiX eXchange – a series of six cross-media and cross-experience exhibitions. Applying the mechanism of putting together “Experienced Artist X Emerging Artist” and “Comics Artist X Artist of Other Media”, this exhibition series involves six pairs of artists in total. Each of these pairs create collaborative works that explore the potential of comics, offering audience an entirely new “comics reading” experience.
Organised by Hong Kong Arts Centre and Comix Home Base under the sponsorship of Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, comiX eXchange not only enables artists from different disciplines and backgrounds to exchange ideas but also engages community members in experiencing arts. During the exhibition periods, artists will host master classes and workshops to share their experiences with the general public, calling aspiring individuals determined to establish their careers in the arts field to experiment with the creative multiplying effect of collaborative work. Following the success of cross-media collaboration in the first show which was held in late April 2015, the secondcomiX eXchange exhibition, with master class and workshops, will feature experienced animation director Toe Yuen and young comics artists/illustrators group “Ping Pong”. It is also one of the programmes celebrating the second anniversary of Comix Home Base. As experienced animator as well as comics creator, Toe has been serving different roles in the production of animation and comics – apart from being an animation director, he has also been a chief editor of comics magazines, a comics story writer, and a production director of comic books. As for “Ping Pong”, it is a team of eleven young artists each with their own distinctive styles. The joint effort of experienced animation director and young artists group is meant to demonstrate how cross-media collaboration can extend the limit of comics, by bringing about new ideas in the creative process, and creating a new visiting experience for audience in the gallery space. Participating artists: Toe Yuen, Ping Pong (Sarene Chan, Vivian Ho, Corn Ho, Liu Si, Lo Hin-kit, Nykie Ngan, Overloaddance, So Wai-lam, Leumas To, Wong Sze-chit, Aiko Narissara Yeung) |
本地漫畫家與其他藝術媒介的創作人攜手合作,以動漫基地為試驗場,開展一連六場跨媒體、跨資歷的《comiX eXchange》展覽系列。 「資深創作人 X 新晉創作人」及「漫畫 X 其他藝術媒介」為組合機制,把參展創作人配對成六組,各組分別以「漫畫 X 跨媒介創意」的作品,創造新的漫畫「閱讀」經驗。
由香港藝術中心及動漫基地主辦、香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」贊助的《comiX eXchange》,一方面讓不同閱歷及創作範疇的藝術家交流切磋,同時廣邀公眾一起參與。展覽期間設有大師班及工作坊,由藝術家分享及傳授試驗的心得及成果,更邀請有志投身創作的人士參加,一同實驗創意的聯乘效應。 第一場《comiX eXchange》已於2015年4月底圓滿結束。第二場將繼續透過跨媒介合作方式,由資深動畫導演袁建滔與新晉年青漫畫/插畫家團隊「乒乓」合作,作為動漫基地兩週年誌慶節目之一。袁建滔為資深動漫創作人,兼顧「幕前幕後」,除了是動畫導演,亦曾主編漫畫評論雜誌,並參與漫畫編劇、監製漫畫等工作。「乒乓」則是由十一位年青人組成的漫畫、插畫創作團隊,各人均擁有獨特的畫風。我們期望藉着資深動畫製作導演和年青創作團隊的合作,讓漫畫的表現形式跨越不同媒體,給予觀眾嶄新體驗。 參與藝術家︰袁建滔、乒乓(陳淬清、何博欣、何淑美、劉思、勞顯傑、顏嘉瑤、超載舞步、蘇瑋琳、杜翰煬、黃思哲、楊馥甄) |
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