Candy Said Series: , 2012
(Sold, private collection)
(Sold, private collection)
(Sold, private collection)
In the Candy Said series, we confront with our own body - the temporal and beautiful shell. Our souls, fragile but always energetic, are trying everyday to struggle away from this body prison. Plato talked about the idea of "eros". It means the love. It means that our souls leave the shell, ride on the wings of the crave for returning to the origin and fly back to our perfect form. It is the journey of love.
在Candy said 系列, 我們審視自己的身體時, 驀然發現那是短暫而美麗的外殼, 而我們在內的那脆弱但具生命力的靈魂, 到底是怎樣渴望從「肉體的枷鎖」中掙扎。
根據柏拉圖的”eros”概念, 在存在於軀體之前,我們的靈魂早已見識過理想的國度, 我們的理想世界。在居於自己的身體之後, 我們的靈魂是怎樣渴望乘著「一種回歸本源的慾望」(愛) 的翅膀回到我們靈魂居於軀體之前的完美的理型, 這尋找的過程是一段關於愛eros的旅程。 |
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