Second Layers Series, 2015
The Second Layers tends to examine the possibility of drawing and erratic composition. In the Second Layers series, I apply ink to draw an image on a piece of transparent paper, and later combines several of those pieces of paper together to create a new image which is greater than the sum of the individual layers. The emerging image supersedes the underlying layers and gives birth to surprising and unexpected compositions. Recollection is a state of mind where reminiscences are mixed with facts, impressions and the sub-conscious. In that sense, remembrance is akin to selecting a scene from a movie whose director is the self.
這計劃是深化我早前在倫敦校內展覽的一系列作品 Second Layers: 用墨水描繪不同的具像及線條於半透明的投影膠片上,再把它們重疊,成為全新的構圖,內容也變得抽像和隱藏。這系列的作品是反映記憶錯覺的狀態,那些我們自以為的記憶,可能是主觀投射的幻想,也可能挪用外在的虛構記憶重疊。關於這些記憶最後的真實,可能只是呈現我們選擇留下腦海的拼圖。
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