Taxi series - 2:00am, 2012
(Sold, private collection)
(Sold, private collection)
(Sold, private collection)
有一晚凌晨2:00am, 在畫廊的工作完畢後, 在街道上漫遊著, 看見一整排長長的, 正在等待著客人的的士司機不約而同地睡著了。
可憐困在小小正方體的身軀, 他們真的累透了。 我在想像他們在發什麼夢, 真希望不要有人打擾他們, 好好休息一下。 |
One night, when I was walking on the street at 2 a.m. after working in my studio, I saw a line of taxis waiting for their passengers. All the drivers had fallen asleep.
Their body being pitifully trapped in the small square, they were really exhausted. I was imagining what dreams they were having. Hope no one would disturb them and they could get a good rest. |
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